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How to refer

Who can refer?

Anyone can refer to our service if your child is registered with a Coventry GP.

Anybody can make a referral on behalf of a child including parents/carers, teachers, other health professionals, consultants, GPs and Health Visitors.

Professionals referring on behalf of a parent must obtain the parent/carer’s consent, before the form is sent to us. If it is difficult to obtain a signature, the referrer can state ‘consent gained verbally’ and state the date on the referral form.

How do you refer and request further support?

You can make a referral by either downloading a referral form or by phoning us on 02476 961 455 to request a form.

Please look at our referral process to help you decide if a referral is appropriate Coventry Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Referral Pathway

For most children, activities to support communication must be carried out before a referral is made to the service. The referrer will be asked to provide details of this support when filling out the referral form. If this information is not provided, the referral will be returned.

Please note: The current wait for a communication initial assessment is up to 16 weeks.

Send the form to:   

Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Service

Wayside House,
Wilsons Lane,
West Midlands,

Alternatively, you can email completed forms to: